Check out these super cute baby animals in this 4 pattern set! Choose from wise as an owl, quick as a bunny, gentle as a lamb or cute as a kitten…or embroider all four for a darling baby quilt.
None of us can escape chores, not even birds! Here’s a cute days-of-the-week set of embroidery patterns showing us the daily life of a mama bird’s routine…day in and day out!
Here’s a departure from the usual days-of-the week patterns of people, birds or animals doing chores. These flowers aren’t lazy though as they do stand upright! Enjoy stitching these embroidery patterns on towels or maybe you have a plain apron that needs some pizzazz.
Improve your memory by adopting these adorable baby elephant embroidery patterns. Stitch one or all of them! Traditionally these sets were designed for towels but they would also work up nicely in a baby or toddler quilt.
These embroidery patterns contain the usual suspects…Alice, March Hare, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter. But wait, there’s more! Check out the playing cards held by the white rabbit, the page and the elves. What a deal!
Classic story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears portrayed in these many embroidery patterns. Perfect for a toddler’s quilt or anything you can imagine!
Here we have our chef cooking up a storm for 6 days and taking Sunday off to read the newspaper in this days of the week embroidery pattern set. Bonus pattern: Another chef at the wood stove, not part of the set but still cool. Or should I say “hot.”
These hard working birds are doing chores for you every day of the week! Originally designed for towels the bluebirds can be used anywhere with or without the day of the week.