No full moons here, just the halves with friendly faces, half moons with flowers and some hot suns. Brighten up your life with these embroidery patterns in case you’ve been kept in the dark.
There are cars and there are automobiles. These embroidery patterns present the latter from the early beginnings of the 1927 Ford to the sleek and modern sporty mode of transportation. Long live the convertible!
You’ll go off the rails with these trains. Many to choose from for your next project and so quick you’ll be finishing up the last stitches as you pull into the station. All aboard!
Send yourself up, up and away with these hot air balloon embroidery patterns. These are a must have for anyone who has attended the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A sight to behold and reminiscent of a simpler time…..just one of the reasons that I love vintage patterns.
Sure, they show up late and don’t win races but these turtles are cute enough to embroider on baby bibs, kid’s clothes or whatever. See what hare-brained idea you can come up with. The Mr. and Mrs. turtles are posted HERE if turtles wearing bonnets and tophats are what your’re looking for.
Here’s a collection of bells to embroider for any occasion. Feel free to chime in by leaving a comment! Looking for Christmas bells? More free embroidery patterns at this link. Americana Liberty bells can be found here.
The fleur di lis is a very vintage symbol used in France for centuries. I use them as appliques in quilting because they are so stylish and so easy to stitch down with a narrow zig zag using the trusty sewing machine. Both patterns can be used for applique but the one with the wider