A bouquet of flowers cascading out of the back of a swan (who knew that a swan was also a vase?) Swan on a pond, swan in cattails and a baby swan for your stitching pleasure.
Fuzzy kitten with butterfly, kittens with balls of yarn and sweet angel kitten with halo. I’ve yet to witness this “halo” in all my years of having a cat around the house.
Some of us drink wine while embroidering. However, overindulgence is not recommended due to poor stitch quality and well, blood is hard to remove from fabric.
Seven bunnies doing household chores every single day of the week! Certainly it’s not the same bunny doing all that work when they have the ability to clone themselves so quickly.
These embroidery patterns of borders are open to interpretation. Borders can also be edgings (as edgings can be borders as well) but we’re calling a border a design that doesn’t necessarily repeat like most edgings do. Pillowcases fall into this category as do floral sprays and yes, they can repeat if you want them to!
6 patterns of lilacs…….one with a cross-hatched heart to be used as a corner or ??? Lovely patterns that you may want to take your time with because all those tiny flowers can become tedious!