Here we have our chef cooking up a storm for 6 days and taking Sunday off to read the newspaper in this days of the week embroidery pattern set. Bonus pattern: Another chef at the wood stove, not part of the set but still cool. Or should I say “hot.”
“I was framed!” cried the crossed carrot. “Shut up. We were all framed,” groaned the gregarious grape. “Y’all pipe down. The knife is out of the drawer,” whispered the portly pepper. These are all about 5″ wide except for the pepper which is a little wider and square rather than rectangular. They would work for
Kitchen embroidery patterns for hearth and home. Stitch up your own award winning gramophone! Several patterns to choose from if you’re into the daily grind, oil lamps when the grid goes down, spinning wheel for telling a yarn, a pump for that hot water you’ll need for the tea kettle or coffeepot. For pressing matters,
Hot stuff kitchen potholders to make new or to cover old ones. I just remove the binding, slap on new front and back covers and bind with bias tape or strips. Cotton t-shirts, cut into strips, make them very easy to bind especially if you round the corners.
More happy days in the kitchen when your towels are smiling. Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration. The cool thing about these day-of-the-week sets is that you can certainly omit the day in the pattern if you only want to embroider just one…like on a potholder rather than a set of towels.
Anyone for pie? Lotsa cherries to chose from and could work as the basis for a monogram. In fact, a couple of them were initially designed for that purpose.
This teacup is part of a set from a vintage Superior pattern but the patterns were rather random even though the cross stitch theme ran through them. I’ve also included other random kitchen embroidery patterns that don’t belong to any particular set. Workbasket was the queen of printing random patterns on their magazine inserts.