Category: Animals
Bunny rabbit embroidery patterns that are prone to multiplication. Fuzzy and simple so really fast to stitch up on bibs, onesies or toddler overalls.
Well, all of the patterns on this site are vintage but some are waaay older than others. I like ’em all regardless of decade.
Baby lambs and daisies…..what’s not to love? You could even incorporate them into a wool project and split the tapestry yarn for embroidery rather than it’s intended use for needlepoint.
Bunny rabbits with those lazy daisy flowers that are so easy to stitch.
Puppy dogs with balls and just hanging out looking cute.
Just mature cats here. Kittens have their own posts and yep, there are A LOT of cutie pie kitten embroidery patterns.
Vintage embroidery patterns of kittens doing what kittens do….being cute while planning their next attack.
Here’s a set of three puppy patterns having a good time. Cool cross stitch detail on their ears!
Ah, kittens. A cute vintage days of the week set from decades past.
Who doesn’t like kittens? Especially when they earn their keep. Too late for that cuz mine is spoiled rotten. ROTTEN, I tell ya!
Six patterns of the mister going through his daily routine. Gotta love Mr. Kitten with his morning coffee and newspaper!
Hug a kitten, kittens with cross stitch detail, heads of kittens and more!