Baby lambs and daisies…..what’s not to love? You could even incorporate them into a wool project and split the tapestry yarn for embroidery rather than it’s intended use for needlepoint.
Beautiful flowers in baskets, flowers in carts, flowers in pots and lovely leaves with a watering can. So many choices, so little time but do embroidery at least one of them!
Daisies everywhere! 3 patterns of baskets spilling over with daisies designed for pillowcases. They are a little over 11″ wide so they’ll just barely fit on the paper when you set your printer to landscape mode.
All three of these were designed for pillowcases. Follow the instructions for printing (noted on the pattern) and for the one with bow be aware that it barely fits the page. If you run into problems eliminate the margins in the printer software and keep the “original size” setting. I’ve left some of the daisies