These must be the attendees of the Vitamin Ball swaying to the cool jazz tunes played by the Part 1 musicians. Might as well have some fun while Nero fiddles!
This is not the lonely hearts club here. There are LOTS and LOTS of hearts because embroidery artists have drawn them for at least the last two centuries. In fact the first ribbon heart here in the lineup is from the 1800s.
I thought that sound from the fridge was a noisy compressor but maybe it’s what the vegetables are getting up to in the middle of the night. These are pretty old patterns from Superior if I remember correctly and “Vitamin Ball” was their title for the set. The rest of the band is posted in
A dancing dish is a happy dish? Add some fun to kitchen chores with these happy-go-lucky embroidery patterns. These are very vintage since they are numotypes.
There are 4 patterns here of morning glory flowers…2 as central motifs, a single motif for a napkin corner and lovely morning glories trailing on a fence.