Everything is better with daisies all over it, right? This set of embroidery patterns has all you need for a nice pot of tea except for the tea bags, of course! There’s even a round potholder pattern to set the teapot on.
These must be the attendees of the Vitamin Ball swaying to the cool jazz tunes played by the Part 1 musicians. Might as well have some fun while Nero fiddles!
I thought that sound from the fridge was a noisy compressor but maybe it’s what the vegetables are getting up to in the middle of the night. These are pretty old patterns from Superior if I remember correctly and “Vitamin Ball” was their title for the set. The rest of the band is posted in
A dancing dish is a happy dish? Add some fun to kitchen chores with these happy-go-lucky embroidery patterns. These are very vintage since they are numotypes.
Pineapples are a luxury that I indulge in occasionally and I’m grateful they are imported into the local grocery year round. Embroider a single pineapple or the cornucopias of fruit in cross stitch.