Author: cherie
A tisket, a tasket, a pretty little basket! Actually there are many flower basket embroidery patterns to choose from in this collection.
Here’s a few embroidery patterns of butterflies hanging out with daisies or my all time favorite….the single butterfly comprised of daisies.
“I was framed” said Mrs. G. “All the better for it” mumbled Mr. G., pouring another dram into the whiskey stained coffee cup with the chipped handle. Yes, some of these frames are highly detailed and would be a rather ambitious project. However, one can always omit some of the parts if the design lacks
These roses may be single but they’re not lonely because there are a bunch of embroidery patterns here!
Tasty grapes for your snacking pleasure.
Ah, beauty. The world definitely needs more roses. When it comes to embroidery patterns a rose can be simple, realistic or just a bud. Cool, eh?
Got grapes? Around here Mustang grapes grow wild and at the end of summer I cut down the vines to use as kindling for the fireplace.
A collection of strawberries waiting to mate with the rhubarb for a sublime pie.
Dutch treat Pennsylvania style embroidery patterns. Lotsa patterns here!
Designed for pillowcases these girls and nightgowns are sized at 11″ wide so set your printer to “landscape” unless you don’t want the full width.
Alphabet embroidery patterns are just my type for monograms or maybe I’m just a wordsmith.
Far out Oriental embroidery patterns from the far east.